Monday, May 2, 2011

Texting and Driving PSAs

As a lot of people have seen, the UK created a PSA for texting while driving. The PSA that they created is very strong and has explicit material in it. It's very descriptive and almost disturbing to watch yet has a strong effect on the people watching it. As I went to to search for the video I came across a mini video series that AT&T did about texting and driving. I had never seen a phone company do a PSA about texting and driving previously and when I thought about it, I was shocked that all the phone companies aren't doing it. I think it's really great PR for the companies and it boosts their image.

Both videos contain images of cars that have been damaged from texting and driving but the AT&T has personal stories from families who have suffered loses. I think that the AT&T documentary is more effective just because 1. it has personal stories and 2. it isn't as exaggerated as the one from the UK is. I think people take the one from the UK as a joke sometimes where as the AT&T one provides personal accounts from families and people who have suffered from bad occurences while texting and driving.

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